sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009

The Blues Brothers

"After the release of Jake Blues from prison, he and brother Elwood go to visit the old home where they were raised by nuns. They learn the church stopped its support and will sell the place to the education authority, and the only way to keep the place open is if the $5000 tax on the property is paid within 11 days. The brothers want to help and decide to put their blues band back together and raise the the money by staging a big gig. As they set off on their "mission from god" they seem to make more enemies along the way. Will they manage to come up with the money in time?" in IMDB

Apesar de não ter o impacto que provavelmente teve na altura em que foi lançado, continua a ser um filme que confere acima de tudo boa disposição.

Nota especial para variadas situações caricatas, em que participam James Brown e Ray Charles, para além do papel dos Blues Brothers que são a grande alma deste filme.

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