sábado, 14 de março de 2009

A crise chega ao Summercase

"The next edition of Summercase has been postponed until 2010.

Due to the current global financial crisis of 2009, SINNAMON have decided to postpone Summercase until 2010. The main motive is no one other that we find ourselves in an economical context which does not guarantee the quality of our events, and therefore, their taking place.Finally, we want to affirm that the delay in communicating this information has been due to our efforts in exhausting all our options in making this years festival possible. In this difficult 2009 we will continue to work as hard as ever on all our forthcoming projects. Projects which we dedicate to the public who have always believed in us, like we have been doing for more than a decade." in Summercase.com

Tendo em conta que as últimas opções deste festival, tal como a escolha de datas a coincidir com as do Benicàssim, acaba por ser bem feito. Estas guerras de festivais são ridículas. Pode ser que mais ano menos ano, também aconteça algo semelhante com os festivais em Portugal.

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